Gain new understanding & expand your worldview

Going abroad is an exhilarating, affirming and transformative experience. The college emphasizes understanding the world at large and prepares students for the challenges of national and international leadership through its study abroad opportunities.

Office of Education Abroad

At Davidson, education abroad is integral to your liberal arts experience as you learn and grow within an entirely new cultural context. The Office of Education Abroad offers over 125 program options in more than 50 countries around the world, including 10 Davidson faculty-led programs in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe.

Office of Education Abroad 

Travel Built Into the Curriculum

Some courses and programs at Davidson include built-in study trips and study abroad experiences. The Humanities Program, open to all first years, includes explorations of revolutions across the United States. Art History majors take a capstone course that often travels abroad to study original artworks, while students enrolled in BIO 368: Health Care Issues in Zambia, take a trip to Zambia the summer after taking the course. Browse courses and programs to discover more travel opportunities.